In the heart of Sonoma County, nestled in the rich soil of Armstrong Valley Farm, a story unfolds every Saturday at the Santa Rosa Original Farmers Market. Meet Farmer Tom, also known as “the Potato Man,” a seasoned grower with over 19 years of dedication to the soil. His vendor stall boasts not just the ordinary but the extraordinary—especially when it comes to the revered Bodega Red Heirloom Potato.
Farmer Tom’s journey with the Bodega Red began as a guardian of tradition. In 2006, Slow Food Sonoma County North took on the task of rescuing this Chilean transplant from the brink of oblivion. The Bodega Red, once the backbone of local farms around Bodega and Tomales Bay in the 1840s, had almost faded into the annals of forgotten crops. Neglected and nearly lost until the Slow Food Movement handed it out to trusted farmers to bring this heirloom potato back to life. Tom is one of those farmers.
Farmer Tom facilitated the collaboration between Slow Food Sonoma County North and Zuckerman’s Family Farm, a prominent California potato grower, to scale up the production of the Bodega Red. Since then, he has also been cultivating certified Bodega Red potatoes, playing a crucial role in the Slow Food movement’s mission to revive this unique variety. Each year, Tom plants around 500 pounds of certified Bodega Red potatoes, which is a third of his potato crops, contributing to the preservation of a piece of agricultural history.
Engaging with Farmer Tom is not just about purchasing produce; it’s about stepping into a living history lesson. With passion in his voice, Tom recounts the tale of the Bodega Red—its journey from Chile to the Sonoma County coast and its pivotal role in sustaining Gold Rush miners. He shares the thrill of rediscovery and the joy of reviving a potato variety once on the brink of extinction. It’s something to be excited about; The Bodega Red, with its pink-red skin, creamy texture, and rich flavor, steals the spotlight of any dish.
Tom believes in the spirit of old-fashioned farming; he meticulously plants them by hand, one by one, and harvests the tubers with care, one bucket at a time, preserving the essence of traditional, hands-on cultivation. He feels the richness of the soil is enhanced by the proximity to Armstrong Redwoods, which imparts a distinctive flavor to his potatoes.
Tom has been a proud member of the Santa Rosa Original Farmers Market since 2008 and has become an integral part of the community. Visitors to the market quickly learn that Tom is almost always present, except for the occasional fishing expedition—a passion he nurtures when the call of the sea beckons. Alongside fishing, Tom enjoys dirt biking and foraging wild mushrooms.
Farmer Tom offers more than just a variety of heirloom potatoes to explore each week. Ask about his fishing adventures, dirt biking escapades, and foraging tales, and you’ll quickly understand why he’s not just a vendor but a beloved figure in the Santa Rosa community. Farmer Tom’s story, interwoven with the tale of the Bodega Red, is a celebration of heritage, resilience, and the vibrant spirit of the local farming community. That is why Armstrong Valley Farm is this month’s ‘SROCFM Vendor of the Month’.
P.O. Box 3148, Santa Rosa, CA 95402